Agnieszka Węgierska, MSc
Since 2015, I take part in active participation in the life of LUT. I am a member of the student research club SKaNeR. I help organize the annual edition of the Sumo Challenge robot competition. I have been participating in the project of the construction of a Mars rover in the Raptors team since 2016. At the beginning I was responsible for developing user application in LabVIEW to localize robot and goals on the map to improve operator efficiency during manual drive. I am currently working on autonomous navigation of the ground robot and software to management multiple robots.
2018 - beginning of studies on LUT, Faculty of Electrical, Electronic, Computer and Control Engineering
Scientific discipline: Automation, electronic and electrical engineering
As part of his research, he deals with mission planning and cooperation coordination for heterogeneous mobile robots.
2017-2018 - Lodz University of Technology Studia Magisterskie, Faculty of Electrical, Electronic, Computer and Control Engineering
Automatic Control and Robotics
MSc thesis (in Polish): "Software for mission planning and co-operation coordination for heterogeneous mobile robots."
2013-2017 - Lodz University of Technology Studia Magisterskie, Faculty of Electrical, Electronic, Computer and Control Engineering
Automatic Control and Robotics
BSc thesis (in Polish): "Off-line map module for robotic competitions."
- Wykonawca projektu: Opracowanie systemu modułowych zaawansowanych stanowisk zrobotyzowanych ze zintegrowanym transportem międzystanowiskowym. (SMART)
- Najlepsi z najlepszych 4.0 "System współpracy robotów heterogenicznych o wysokim stopniu autonomii" - opiekun naukowy (dofinansowanie MNiSW)
- Najlepsi z najlepszych!3.0 "Zadania kosmiczne i bardziej przy-Ziemne realizowane przez roboty koła SKaNeR"
- Najlepsi z najlepszych!2.0 "Autonomia na lądzie i w powietrzu z robotami Koła SKaNeR"
- "Raptors - autonomiczny robot ratunkowy" - Finansowanie przyznane podczas XXIII Konkursu Rady Kół Naukowych (koordynator)
- "Raptors - robot do zastosowań ratunkowych" - Finansowanie przyznane podczas XXII Konkursu Rady Kół Naukowych
- "Raptor do zadań specjalnych – autonomiczny robot ratunkowo – badawczy" - Finansowanie przyznane podczas XXI Konkursu Rady Kół Naukowych
- "Raptors - zostań z nami mistrzem (wszech)świata" - Finansowanie przyznane podczas XX Konkursu Rady Kół Naukowych
- "Raptors w drodze po kolejny tytuł" - Finansowanie przyznane podczas XIX Konkursu Rady Kół Naukowych
laboratories conducted on LUT:
- Service Robots (2020)
- Mobile Robots (2019)
I participated in the modernization of the Mobile Robots laboratory by preparing teaching materials for conducting classes using ROS.
- I participated in the modernization of the Mobile Robots laboratory by preparing teaching materials for conducting classes using ROS.
- 3rd place for the best MSc thesis competition, organized by Lodz department of Polish Association of Electrical Engineers (SEP) (2018)
- 3rd awarded place for the best MSc thesis at the LUT in XXXIII competition, organized by FSNT-NOT in Lodz (2018)
- 3rd awarded place for the best BSc thesis competition, organized by Lodz department of Polish Association of Electrical Engineers (SEP)
- finalist of the competition "Mistrzostwa Polski Programistów LabVIEW 2017"
Team awards with the Raptors
- 2nd place - ERL Emergency local tournament, Seville, Spain(2019)
- 2nd place- World Robot Summit "Plant Disaster Prevention Challenge", Tokio, Japan (2018)
- 2nd place- European Rover Challenge Starachowice, Poland (2018)
- 4nd place- University Rover Challenge Hanksville, Utah, USA (2017)
- 2x2nd place, 1x3rd place in European Robotics League, Piombino, Italy (2017)
- 5th place - University Rover Challenge, Hanksville, Utah, USA (2017)
Conference publications
- RoMoCo 2019 - B. Cybulski, A. Węgierska, G. Granosik, "Accuracy Comparison of Navigation Local Planners on ROS-Based Mobile Robot"
- Węgierska, K. Andrzejczak, M. Kujawiński, G. Granosik. "Zastosowanie LabVIEW i ROS do koordynacji pracy zespołu robotów na przykładzie zawodów ERL Emergency Robots". Prace Naukowe Politechniki Warszawskiej. Elektronika z. 196, s. 427-438, 2018
Publications in scientific journals
- „JAMRIS” w numerze 2/2019- A. Węgierska, K. Andrzejczak, M. Kujawiński, G. Granosik, „Using LabVIEW and ROS for planning and coordination of robot mission, the example of ERL Emergency Robots and University Rover Challenge competitions”