
Historical perspective, basic definitions and statistics. Basic components of a robot and kinematics unit. Transformation of co-ordinate frames - translations, rotations, composite transformations. Homogenous description of transformations. Denavit-Harteberg notation. Inverse kinematics: solution methods, example of a planar manipulator. Inverse kinematics for velocities: Jacobian of the manipulator, singular configurations. Dynamics of manipulartors. Trajectory planning: cubic polynomials ang linear functions with parabolic blends. Position control of manipulators. Types of position control structures. Basic information about robotic drive and sensor systems. Methods of robot programming: limited sequence programming, teach and playback, high-level programming. Robot-oriented and object-oriented languages for robot programming. Special robots.

1. Introduction - presentation of the laboratory. General features of robots.
2. Programming of a Cartesian robot with stepper motors.
3. Programming of a robot with rotational joints.
4. Planning of manipulation tasks using a simulation software EASYROB.
5. Programming of a set of manipulation tasks on the robotized stand with an industrial robot Irp-6.
6. Sequence programming of a Cartesian robot FESTO with pneumatic drives.
7. Evaluation of reports. Final test.
